Creating a new main stack
One of the most fundamental tasks in LiveCode is to create a new main stack. Every LiveCode app has a main stack, at least one card, objects, and code. In this recipe, you will learn the steps required to create a new main stack.
How to do it...
To create a new main stack, follow these steps:
Open LiveCode.
From the pull-down menu, select File, and then select New Main Stack.
You now have a new main stack that you can start using for your mobile app. The next step is to set the stack's size properties to match the mobile environment your app will support. Using the property inspector, select Size & Position, and make the necessary adjustments based on the following table:
Target device
iPhone 3GS
320 x 480
iPhone 4S
640 x 960
iPhone 5
1136 x 640
iPad (1st and 2nd Gen)
1024 x 768
iPad (3rd Gen)
2048 x 1536
iPad Mini
1024 x 768
Android (Small screen)
426 x 320
Android (Normal screen)
470 x 320
Android (Large screen)
640 x 480