Let's load up them assets!
So, what is this
class that we want to take a look at? Well, according to the documentation what it does is:
Loads and stores assets such as textures, bitmap fonts, tile maps, sounds, music, and so on. Visit the following link for more details: http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/nightlies/docs/api/com/badlogic/gdx/assets/AssetManager.html
You might be wondering what it can do for us. Well, truthfully, it won't actually make an impact on the game we have here. The amount of assets we have isn't that large in number or size. So then, why are we looking at it? Because, later down the line, when you make your own awesome, amazing games, you will need to know about tools like this that will make your life easier!
Right now, Flappee Bee only has about seven textures with the biggest being the background which is 480 x 640 pixels in size. Having this amount of textures, of this size isn't going to cause us that much of a problem. However, what if we suddenly...