I like short examples to set the mind in a good direction, so I'll start with this. If I want to write Romeo loves Juliet in Cypher, the Cypher syntax will be as follows:
(romeo:Person{name: "Romeo"})-[:LOVES]->(juliet:Person{name:"Juliet"})
See, this is almost ASCII-Art. Do you see the pattern?
Now, should you want to create those nodes and relations in your database, type the following in the prompt in the upper part of the Neo4j browser (available at localhost:7474 if you have started your server):
CREATE (romeo:Person{name: "Romeo"})-[:LOVES]->(juliet:Person{name:"Juliet"})
Then, you are greeted with a message telling you about counts of created nodes and relations.
There you are; you have just created data! Did you just say wow? Yes, that was easy. Indeed, every person...