To get fine-grained control of your layout, in terms of positioning the components on the page or aligning elements next to each other with consistency, you need a grid system and Ionic provides one.
The beauty of the Ionic Grid system is that it is FlexBox-based. FlexBox--or the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module--provides a box model for an optimized user interface design.
You can read more about FlexBox at:
You can find an amazing tutorial about FlexBox at:
You can find an amazing tutorial about FlexBox at:
The advantage of a FlexBox-based grid system is that you need not have a fixed-column grid. You can define as many columns as you want inside a row and they will be automatically assigned with equal width. This way, unlike any other CSS-based grid systems, you need not worry about the sum of class names adding up to the total number of columns in the...