C++ STL versions of commonly used containers
I want to cover the C++ STL versions of a couple of containers. STL is the standard template library, which is shipped with most C++ compilers. The reason why I want to cover these STL versions is that they behave somewhat differently than the UE4 versions of the same containers. In some ways, their behavior is very good, but game programmers often complain of STL having performance issues. In particular, I want to cover STL's set
and map
If you like STL's interface but want better performance, there is a well-known reimplementation of the STL library by Electronic Arts called EASTL, which you can use. It provides the same functionality as STL but is implemented with better performance (basically by doing things such as eliminating bounds checking). It is available on GitHub at https://github.com/paulhodge/EASTL.
C++ STL set
A C++ set is a bunch of items that are unique and sorted. The good feature about the STL set