Tools, Tools, and More Tools
The Joomla! community has many highly talented and creative thinkers. These wonderful programmers have created several important tools for protecting and diagnosing potential security threats to our Joomla! sites.
Some of these tools, such as the HISA tool set, are released under the GNU/GPL license, while some are released under a commercial license.
Each of these coders, who developed these tools, offers a great commercial service that you may wish to take advantage of.
In our tour of the Tools section, we'll begin with a wonderfully well-written set of tools from The first tool is known as the Health, Installation, Security Audit, or HISA tool for short. This well-designed, stand-alone tool set comes in two flavors: a stand-alone version, and a suite of components and modules to be used in an ongoing fashion.
HISA is a stand-alone tool that provides a quick assessment of your server environment to determine if your host setup is appropriate...