Downloading and installing a new template
Of course, the templates that are shipped with Joomla are only a few examples of the possible designs. Do you need a really different layout or do you want a more attractive design? There are tons of templates available on the Web. You can download the template files as one compressed file and install this compressed template file through the Extension Manager screen. Once it's installed, you can activate it through the Template Styles screen as described earlier in this chapter.
Physically, a Joomla template is a bunch of files. When you download a template, these files are packed together in a compressed format (usually a ZIP file). Joomla provides you with a powerful one-click-method to upload and unpack the ZIP file, installing all of the required template files on the web server, ready for use.
Imagine your client wants something really different, a site with its own specific layout. In that case, you probably don't want to settle...