The tough interview questions
Now that we've looked at the different types of interviews you'll face it's time to examine what makes or breaks your chances of getting the job. These, of course, are the questions you'll face.
The toughest questions you'll come across are the ones for which you're not prepared. Having done your research on the position, company, and competition, you should be well prepared to answer most, if not all, questions thrown your way. It's when introverts haven't done their research that they fail to answer the questions thrown at them. More than extroverts, introverts must do their research to be prepared and feel confident. Extroverts naturally feel confident and may forgo researching the position and company as thoroughly; but with their air of confidence, they might be able to pull off a fairly decent performance. The bottom line is that being prepared will give you the confidence you'll need to do well at the interview. Will you be nervous? Perhaps yes, perhaps...