Thread Synchronization
We have collected enough people and resources such as food, water, and tools for the pyramid building. We have divided people into teams and assigned each team a task. A number (a pool) of people are living in the nearby village on a standby mode, ready to replace the ones that got sick or injured on their assignment. We adjusted the workforce count so that there are only a few people who will remain idle in the village. We rotate the teams through the work-rest cycle to keep the project going at maximum speed. We monitored the process and have adjusted the number of teams and the flow of supplies they need so that there are no visible delays and there is steady measurable progress in the project as a whole. Yet, there are many moving parts overall and various small and big unexpected incidents and problems happen all the time.
To make sure that the workers and teams do not step on each other and that there is some kind of traffic regulation so that the next technological...