- @AroundConstruct annotation / Intercept constructor invocation
- @AssertFalse constraint / Validating your data
- @AssertTrue constraint / Validating your data
- @Asynchronous annotation / Asynchronous processing
- annotations
- for Java platform / Common annotations for the Java platform
- about / The goal of this specification
- @TransactionAttribute annotation / The goal of this specification
- @Resource annotation / The goal of this specification
- building / Building your own annotation
- @Target annotation / Building your own annotation
- @Retention annotation / Building your own annotation
- @Inherited annotation / Building your own annotation
- @Documented annotation / Building your own annotation
- Unfinished annotation / Building your own annotation
- @SupportedAnnotationTypes annotation / Building your own annotation
- improvements / Latest improvements in action
- new annotation / The new annotation
- javax.annotation.priority annotation / The new annotation
- @Named annotation / Example 2 – accessing an EJB from a JSF page
- annotations, JPA 2.1
- about / New annotations
- @Index annotation / New annotations
- @ForeignKey annotation / New annotations
- simplifying / Simplification of the API
- application context identifier
- access, standardizing / Standardizing access to the application context identifier
- array
- about / Array
- Assignment operator(=) / Assignment operator (=)
- async() method / Asynchronous processing
- asynchronousMethod() / EJB Lite improvements
- asynchronous processing / Asynchronous processing
- AsyncInvoker / Asynchronous processing
- AuthConfigProvider implementation / Binding the authentication module to a web application
- AuthConfigProvider object / Standardizing access to the application context identifier
- authenticate method / Integrating the authenticate, login, and logout methods called
- authentication module
- implementing / Implementing an authentication module
- ServerAuthModule interface, implementing / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- installing / Installing and configuring the authentication module
- configuring / Installing and configuring the authentication module
- binding, to web application / Binding the authentication module to a web application
- realm, creating / Creating a realm
- application security, configuring / Security configuration
- batch.xml configuration file / The batch.xml configuration file
- Batch API
- about / Understanding the Batch API
- features / Understanding the Batch API
- JobRepository / JobRepository
- Job / Job
- Step / Step
- chunk / Chunk
- batchlet / Batchlet
- batch.xml configuration file / The batch.xml configuration file
- JobOperator / JobOperator
- Batch Applications
- for Java Platform 1.0 / Batch Applications for Java Platform 1.0
- Batch Applications for the Java Platform 1.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- batchlet
- about / Understanding the Batch API, Batchlet
- batch processing
- about / What is batch processing?
- dedicated API / Why a dedicated API for batch processing?
- bean
- setting, with specific scope / Example 3 – setting a bean with a specific scope for simple operations
- CDI processing, avoiding / Avoiding CDI processing on a bean
- non-contextual instance, accessing / Accessing the non contexual instance of a bean
- CDI bean instances, destroying / Destroying CDI bean instances explicitly
- Bean Validation
- about / Bean Validation
- data, validating / Validating your data
- custom constraint, building / Building a custom constraint
- constraint annotation, creating / Creating a constraint annotation
- validator, implementing / Implementing a validator
- improvements / Latest improvements in action
- Bean Validation 1.1
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- dependency injection and CDI integration, support for / Support for dependency injection and CDI integration
- method and constructor validation, support for / Support for method and constructor validation
- group conversion, support for / Support for group conversion
- message interpolation, support for / Support message interpolation using expression language
- boolean isValid(T value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) method / Implementing a validator
- CandidateSessionBean class / Class diagram
- about / Contexts and Dependency Injection, What is CDI ?
- POJO instantiation / Example 1 – instantiation of a POJO
- EJB, accessing from JSF page / Example 2 – accessing an EJB from a JSF page
- bean, setting with specific scope / Example 3 – setting a bean with a specific scope for simple operations
- factory created objects, using / Example 4 – use of objects usually created by a factory
- improvements / Latest improvements in action
- processing on bean, avoiding / Avoiding CDI processing on a bean
- non-contextual bean instance, accessing / Accessing the non contexual instance of a bean
- current CDI container, accessing / Accessing the current CDI container
- beans instances, destroying / Destroying CDI bean instances explicitly
- CDI injection / Entity
- certificate realm / Creating a realm
- ChatServerEndPoint class / Class diagram
- chunk
- about / Understanding the Batch API, Chunk
- class diagram
- about / Class diagram
- cleanSubject() method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- cleanSubject method / Integrating the authenticate, login, and logout methods called
- client endpoint / Client endpoint
- ClientResponseFilter interface / Filters
- Collection objects support
- Collection objects construction / Collection object construction
- collection operations / Collection operations
- string concatenation operator (+=) / String concatenation operator (+=)
- assignment operator(=) / Assignment operator (=)
- semi-colon operator (;) / Semi-colon operator (;)
- static fields and methods / Static fields and methods
- Common Annotations for the Java Platform 1.2
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Common Client Interface (CCI) / What is JCA?
- component diagram
- about / Component diagram
- concurrency
- about / Why concurrency?
- benefits / Benefits of concurrency
- risks / Risks of concurrency
- and Java EE / Concurrency and Java EE
- concurrency utilities / Productivity
- Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- ConnexionServlet class / A login page with a Servlet
- constraint
- custom constraint, building / Building a custom constraint
- annotation, creating / Creating a constraint annotation
- constraint annotation
- creating / Creating a constraint annotation
- container
- CDI container, accessing / Accessing the current CDI container
- ContainerResponseFilter interface / Filters
- context
- about / What is CDI ?
- Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE 1.1
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- createEntityGraph() method / Dynamic entity graphs
- criteria API
- about / The Criteria API
- bulk update/delete, support / Support for bulk update/delete
- new reserved identifiers, support / Support for new reserved identifiers
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) / What is JCA?
- @DecimalMax constraint / Validating your data
- @DecimalMin constraint / Validating your data
- @Digits constraint / Validating your data
- @Documented annotation / Building your own annotation
- dependency injection
- about / What is CDI ?
- DLL generation / DDL generation
- DOM API / The object model API
- dynamic entity graphs / Dynamic entity graphs
- e-mails
- sending, in Java / Sending e-mails in Java
- sending, via SMTP protocol / Sending an e-mail via the SMTP protocol
- eagerly / Entity graphs
- accessing, from JSF page / Example 2 – accessing an EJB from a JSF page
- EJB 3.2
- session bean enhancement / Session bean enhancement
- EJB 3.2, improvements
- session bean enhancement / Session bean enhancement
- EJB Lite improvements / EJB Lite improvements
- TimerService API, modifications / Changes made to the TimerService API
- other / Other improvements
- EJBContainer.close() method / Other improvements
- EJBContainer class / Other improvements
- EJB injection / Entity
- EL (Expression Language)
- about / What is Expression Language?
- ELProcessor class / API for standalone environments
- endpointActivation method / Latest improvements
- endpointDeactivation method / Latest improvements
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) / What is JCA?
- Enterprise Information Systems (EISs)
- about / What is JCA?
- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) / What is JCA?
- entity, JPA 2.1
- about / Entity
- entity graphs, JPA 2.1
- about / Entity graphs
- named entity graphs / Static or named entity graphs
- static entity graphs / Static or named entity graphs
- dynamic entity graphs / Dynamic entity graphs
- entity interceptor
- about / Entity interceptors
- ETL (extract-transform-load) / What is batch processing?
- Expression Language 3.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / Expression Language 3.0
- improvements / The latest improvements of EL 3.0 in action
- API, for stand-alone environment / API for standalone environments
- Lambda expression / Lambda expressions
- Collection objects support / Collection object support
- @ForeignKey annotation / New annotations
- @Future constraint / Validating your data
- Faces Flows / Faces Flow
- file realm / Creating a realm
- filter
- about / Filters
- find() method / Dynamic entity graphs
- Flash / HTML5 support
- forward and include mechanism
- about / Support for forward and include mechanisms
- FUNCTION keyword / New reserved identifiers
- getAllTimers() method / Changes made to the TimerService API
- getEntityGraph() method / Static or named entity graphs
- getJobOperator() factory / JobOperator
- getListOfAllStudentsAs2 method / Asynchronous processing
- getListOfAllStudentsAs method / Asynchronous processing
- getOn() method / Support for new reserved identifiers
- getSupportedMessageTypes() method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- Glassfish Server 4.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- HTML5 / HTML5 support
- httpservlet-security-provider attribute / Binding the authentication module to a web application
- HttpServletRequest class / Protocol upgrade processing
- HttpUpgradeHandler class / Protocol upgrade processing
- @Index annotation / New annotations
- @Inherited annotation / Building your own annotation
- IHelloWorld implementation / Example 1 – instantiation of a POJO
- IHeloWorld interface / Example 1 – instantiation of a POJO
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) / Sending e-mails in Java
- init() method / Session bean enhancement
- initialize() method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- InscriptionCheckpoint / Chunk
- inscriptionValidation.xhtml facelet / Class diagram
- InscriptionValidationBean class / Class diagram
- interceptor binding
- used, for associating interceptor with class / Associating an interceptor with a class using interceptor binding
- types, creating / Creation of interceptor binding types
- declaring / Declaring interceptor binding
- type, used for binding interceptor / Binding an interceptor by using interceptor binding type
- interceptor class
- interceptors, defining / Defining interceptors in an interceptor class
- interceptors
- about / Interceptors
- defining, in target class / Defining interceptors in the target class
- defining, in interceptor class / Defining interceptors in an interceptor class
- improvements / Latest improvements in action
- associating with class, interceptor bindings used / Associating an interceptor with a class using interceptor binding
- binding types, creating / Creation of interceptor binding types
- binding, declaring / Declaring interceptor binding
- binding, interceptor binding type used / Binding an interceptor by using interceptor binding type
- execution order, defining / Defining the execution order of interceptors
- Interceptors 1.2
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / JASPIC 1.1
- java.lang.annotation package / Building your own annotation
- java.lang.AutoCloseable interface / Other improvements
- java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface / Java EE Concurrency API
- Java API
- for JSON Processing 1.0 / Java API for JSON Processing 1.0
- for JSON processing / Java API for JSON processing
- for WebSocket 1.0 / Java API for WebSocket 1.0
- for RESTful Web Services / Java API for RESTful Web Services
- Java API for JSON Processing 1.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java API for WebSocket 1.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers 1.1 (JASPIC 1.1)
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Authorization Service Provider Contract for Containers 1.5 (JACC 1.5)
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF framework) / Sending e-mails in Java
- Java EE
- history / A brief history of Java EE
- and concurrency / Concurrency and Java EE
- Java EE 7
- goals / The main goals of Java EE 7
- productivity / Productivity
- HTML5 support / HTML5 support
- specifications / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java EE Concurrency API
- about / Java EE Concurrency API
- Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- JavaMail
- about / JavaMail
- improvements / The latest improvements in action
- annotations, added / The added annotations
- @MailSessionDefinition annotation / The added annotations
- methos, added / The added methods
- access modifiers, modifications / The changing of some access modifiers
- JavaMail 1.5
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Message Service 2.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Persistence 2.1
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Persistence API 2.1
- about / Java Persistence API 2.1
- URL / Java Persistence API 2.1
- Java Persistence API (JPA) / JPA (Java Persistence API)
- Java platform
- annotations / Common annotations for the Java platform
- JavaServer Faces 2.2
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / JavaServer Faces 2.2
- JavaServer Pages 2.3
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Servlet 3.1 Specification
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Specification Request (JSR 342) / Novelties of Java EE 7
- Java Transaction API 1.2
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / Java Transaction API 1.2
- javax.annotation.processing.Processor interface / Building your own annotation
- javax.jms.MessageListener interface / Harmonizing with JMS's novelties
- javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder interface / Support for new reserved identifiers
- javax.persistence.schema-generation.connection property / DDL generation
- javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source property / DDL generation
- javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action property / DDL generation
- javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source property / DDL generation
- interface / Implementing an authentication module
- javax.transaction.TransactionScoped annotation / Innovations introduced by JTA 1.2
- in action / JAX-RS in action
- JAX-RS 2.0
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- about / The latest improvements in action
- client API / The Client API
- asynchronous processing / Asynchronous processing
- about / Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), What is JCA?
- in action / JCA in action
- improvements / Latest improvements
- endpointActivation method / Latest improvements
- endpointDeactivation method / Latest improvements
- JCP (Java Community Process) / The main goals of Java EE 7, EJB Lite improvements
- jdbc realm / Creating a realm
- about / Java Message Service (JMS), When to use JMS
- improvements / The latest improvements in action
- features / New features
- messages, sending asynchronously / Sending messages asynchronously
- setAsync() method / Sending messages asynchronously
- delivery delay / Delivery delay
- broker / Delivery delay
- XDeliveryCount message property, handling / Handling of the JMSXDeliveryCount message property
- API, simplifying / Simplification of the API
- JMS 1.1 / Productivity
- JMSProducer / Simplification of the API
- JMSXDeliveryCount message property
- handling / Handling of the JMSXDeliveryCount message property
- Job
- about / Understanding the Batch API, Job
- JobOperator / JobOperator
- JobRepository
- about / JobRepository
- about / JPA (Java Persistence API)
- in action / JPA in action
- JPA 2.1
- about / The latest improvements of JPA 2.1 in action
- persistence context, synchronization / Persistence context synchronization
- persistence context synchronization / Persistence context synchronization
- entity listener / Entity
- annotations / New annotations
- entity graphs / Entity graphs
- DDL generation / DDL generation
- about / JPQL
- stored procedures, support / Support for stored procedures
- ON keyword / New reserved identifiers
- FUNCTION keyword / New reserved identifiers
- TREAT keyword / New reserved identifiers
- named queries, creating at runtime / Support for creating named queries at runtime
- JSF (JavaServerFaces)
- about / What is JavaServer Faces?
- JSF (JavaServer Faces) / HTML5 support
- about / What is JavaServer Faces?
- identification page / An identification page with JSF
- improvements / The latest improvements of JSF 2.2 in action
- HTML5-friendly markup / HTML5-friendly markup
- Pass-through attributes / Pass-through attributes
- Pass-through elements / Pass-through elements
- Resource Library Contracts / Resource Library Contracts
- Faces Flows / Faces Flow
- stateless views / Stateless views
- about / What is JSON?
- object / Object
- array / Array
- value / Value
- need for / Why JSON?
- JSON data presentation / Why JSON?
- JSON processing
- streaming API / The streaming API
- object model API / The object model API
- JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) / The latest improvements of EL 3.0 in action
- JSR-338 / Java Persistence API 2.1
- about / The Java Transaction API
- in action / JTA in action
- innovations / Innovations introduced by JTA 1.2
- Lambda expression / Lambda expressions
- lazily / Entity graphs
- ldap realm / Creating a realm
- List object construction / Collection object construction
- login method / Integrating the authenticate, login, and logout methods called
- logout method / Integrating the authenticate, login, and logout methods called
- @MailSessionDefinition annotation / The added annotations
- @Max constraint / Validating your data
- @MessageDriven annotation / Harmonizing with JMS's novelties
- @Min constraint / Validating your data
- ManagedExecutorService interface / Java EE Concurrency API
- ManagedExecutorService resource environment / Java EE Concurrency API
- ManagedScheduledExecutorService interface / Java EE Concurrency API
- ManagedThreadFactory interface / Java EE Concurrency API
- Map object construction / Collection object construction
- Message-Driven Bean (MDB)
- about / Harmonizing with JMS's novelties
- MessageConsumer object / Simplification of the API
- MessageInfo parameter type / Support for forward and include mechanisms
- Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) / When to use JMS
- MessageProducer object / Simplification of the API
- MimeMessage class / Sending an e-mail via the SMTP protocol
- MyGzipWriterJaxRsInterceptor class / Entity interceptors
- MyGzipWriterJaxRsInterceptor interceptor / Entity interceptors
- MySessionBean class / The goal of this specification
- @Named annotation / Example 2 – accessing an EJB from a JSF page
- @NamedEntityGraph annotation / Static or named entity graphs
- @NotNull constraint / Validating your data
- @Null constraint / Validating your data
- named entity graphs / Static or named entity graphs
- Non-blocking IO API / Non blocking I/O API
- nonPersistentEJBTimerService() method / EJB Lite improvements
- @OnClose annotation / Server endpoint
- @OnError annotation / Server endpoint
- @OnMessage annotation / Server endpoint
- @OnOpen annotation / Server endpoint
- object
- about / Object
- object model API / The object model API
- objects
- used by factory, creating / Example 4 – use of objects usually created by a factory
- oldMethod() method / The goal of this specification
- on() method / Support for new reserved identifiers
- ON keyword / New reserved identifiers
- onMessage method / Harmonizing with JMS's novelties
- ONPRINS / Presenting the project
- ORMs (Object-relational mapping)
- URL / JPA (Java Persistence API)
- @Past constraint / Validating your data
- @Pattern constraint / Validating your data
- @PostConstruct lifecycle callback method / Entity
- @PreDestroy lifecycle callback method / Entity
- @Provider annotation / Filters
- passivationCapable attribute / Session bean enhancement
- persistence context, JPA 2.1
- synchronization / Persistence context synchronization
- persistence context, JPA 2.1
- synchronization / Persistence context synchronization
- poisonous messages / Handling of the JMSXDeliveryCount message property
- instantiation / Example 1 – instantiation of a POJO
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol) / Sending e-mails in Java
- process() method / Building your own annotation
- query hint / Static or named entity graphs
- @Resource annotation / Java EE Concurrency API, The goal of this specification
- @Retention annotation / Building your own annotation
- Reader-Processor-Writer pattern / Understanding the Batch API
- ReaderInterceptor interface / Entity interceptors
- ReadListener / Non blocking I/O API
- ReadListenerImpl / Non blocking I/O API
- realm
- creating / Creating a realm
- file realm / Creating a realm
- ldap realm / Creating a realm
- jdbc realm / Creating a realm
- solaris realm / Creating a realm
- certificate realm / Creating a realm
- realm_users table / Creating a realm
- registerCandidate method / Class diagram
- resource adapter / What is JCA?
- Resource Library Contracts / Resource Library Contracts
- RESTful Web Services
- Java API for / Java API for RESTful Web Services
- resume() method / Asynchronous processing
- @ServerEndpoint annotation / Server endpoint
- @Size constraint / Validating your data
- @Stateful annotation / Session bean enhancement
- @SupportedAnnotationTypes annotation / Building your own annotation
- secureResponse() method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- security
- configuring / Security configuration
- Semi-colon operator (;) / Semi-colon operator (;)
- ServerAuthConfig object / Standardizing access to the application context identifier
- ServerAuthModule interface method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- server endpoint / Server endpoint
- Servlet
- about / What is a Servlet?
- login page with / A login page with a Servlet
- login with / A login page with a Servlet
- Servlet 3.1
- about / Servlet 3.1
- improvements / Latest improvements of Servlet 3.1 in action
- Non-blocking IO API / Non blocking I/O API
- protocol processing, upgrade / Protocol upgrade processing
- ServletInputStream class / Non blocking I/O API
- ServletOutputStream class / Non blocking I/O API
- session bean
- stateless session bean / Session bean enhancement
- stateful session bean / Session bean enhancement
- singleton session bean / Session bean enhancement
- SessionContext / The goal of this specification
- session object / Sending an e-mail via the SMTP protocol
- setAsync() method / Sending messages asynchronously
- Set object construction / Collection object construction
- SGML (Standardised Generalised Markup Language) / Why JSON?
- singleton session bean / Session bean enhancement
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) / Sending e-mails in Java
- SMTP protocol
- used, for sending e-mail / Sending an e-mail via the SMTP protocol
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) / When to use Web Services
- solaris realm / Creating a realm
- startValidationBatchJob method / Class diagram
- stateless session bean / Session bean enhancement
- stateless view / Stateless views
- static entity graphs / Static or named entity graphs
- StAX API / The streaming API
- step
- about / Step
- stored procedure / Support for stored procedures
- stream() method / Collection operations
- streaming API / The streaming API
- String concatenation operator (+=) / String concatenation operator (+=)
- SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED persistence context / Persistence context synchronization
- @Target annotation / Building your own annotation
- @TransactionAttribute annotation / Session bean enhancement, The goal of this specification
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) / What is WebSocket?
- T find(Class<T> type, Object o) method / JPA in action
- TimerService API
- modifications / Changes made to the TimerService API
- T merge(T t) method / JPA in action
- treat() method / Support for new reserved identifiers
- TREAT keyword / New reserved identifiers
- try-with-resources statement / Other improvements
- about / Use Case Diagram (UCD)
- Unfinished annotation / Building your own annotation
- Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). / JAX-RS in action
- users_groups table / Creating a realm
- @vetoed annotation / Avoiding CDI processing on a bean
- validateRequest() method / Implementing the ServerAuthModule interface
- validateRequest method / Support for forward and include mechanisms
- ValidationJobListener / Class diagram
- ValidationProcessor class / Class diagram
- ValidationReader class / Class diagram
- ValidationWriter class / Class diagram
- value / Value
- void detach(Object o) method / JPA in action
- void initialize(A constraintAnnotation) method / Implementing a validator
- void persist(Object o) method / JPA in action
- void remove(Object o) method / JPA in action
- @WebServlet annotation / A login page with a Servlet
- web application
- authentication module, binding to / Binding the authentication module to a web application
- WebConnection class / Protocol upgrade processing
- Web Services
- uses / When to use Web Services
- Web Services for Java EE 1.4
- URL / Novelties of Java EE 7
- WebSocket
- about / What is WebSocket?
- need for / Why WebSocket?
- WebSockets API
- about / The WebSocket API
- Server endpoint / Server endpoint
- Client endpoint / Client endpoint
- WriteListener / Non blocking I/O API
- WriterInterceptor implemention / Entity interceptors
- WriterInterceptor interface / Entity interceptors
- XML (EXtensible Markup Language) / Why JSON?
- XML data presentation / Why JSON?
- @ZipResult annotation / Entity interceptors