Deploying clientless access
Clientless access is a basic browser-based VPN solution, where users are presented with a homepage when they log in and from there they can access file shares, web applications, and other settings depending on what is defined in the session policy.
In order to allow clientless access, we need to define some settings in the Session Policy section of the Client Experience pane. The settings are as follows:
URL for Web-Based Email: This is used for logging into web-based e-mail solutions, such as Exchange OWA. This will appear as a pane within the clientless access session policy window.
Session Time-out (mins): This defines how long NetScaler waits before it disconnects the session when there is no network traffic.
Clientless Access: This defines if the SSL-based VPN should be enabled or disabled.
Clientless Access URL Encoding: This defines whether the URL of internal web applications are obscured or are in clear text and visible to the users.
Clientless Access...