Chapter 10. Testing and Debugging
Testing applications and debugging them go hand in hand. Of course, developers test during development, or they would not know if their codes work. But when the development phase of a project is winding down, a more formal quality assurance (QA) phase should be winding up. How thoroughly an application should be tested depends in part upon how many features are changed or added. Obviously, more extensive change requires more extensive testing.
If you are a less experienced Domino developer, you may be assigned the task of testing applications written by other programmers. If so, you are one of the most important people on the project; it is your job to assure that the application is as issue-free as possible. The more bugs you find during testing, the fewer bugs your customers will find after the application goes into production. Ask if your organization provides any guidance on application testing. Study such guidance thoroughly. Strive to develop good testing...