Chapter 4. HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs
If you are looking for guidance on using the HTML5 application programming interfaces (APIs), I'm going to paraphrase a line from a great Western movie and say, "I'm not your Huckleberry".
What I would like to look at with you is the 'vocabulary' part of HTML5; its semantics. More succinctly, the way we can use the new elements of HTML5 to describe the content we place in markup. The majority of content in this chapter is not specific to a responsive web design. However, HTML is the very foundation upon which all web-based designs and applications are built. Who doesn't want to build upon the strongest possible foundation?
You might be wondering 'what is HTML5 anyway?' In which case I would tell you that HTML5 is simply the description given to the latest version of HTML, the language of tags we use to build web pages. HTML itself is a constantly evolving standard, with the prior major version...