Adding series and points
We can dynamically add axes, series, and points to any chart after it has been initialized. In the following examples, we will first initialize a chart and then add points and series to it upon different actions.
Adding a point dynamically
Consider the following code for a chart representing energy consumption by leading continents in 2013:
(function() { $( '#energy_consumption' ).highcharts({ title: { text: 'Energy Consumption in 2013' }, xAxis: { type: 'category', title: { text: 'Continents' } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Million Metric Tons of Oil Equivalent' } }, series: [{ name: 'Energy Consumption', type: 'column', data: [{ id: 'north-america', name: 'North America', y: 2786.7 }, { id: 'asia', name: 'Asia', y: 5594 }] }] }); })();
This chart will have two data points for two continents showing their...