Understanding Terraform data
In this section, we are going to discuss how you can define Terraform data sources. You can also refer to https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/data-sources.html to see under which circumstances you would be able to use Terraform data sources. Just as with Terraform output, resources, providers, and variables, we will be concentrating on Terraform data sources for AWS, GCP, and Azure.
Terraform data sources
Let's try to understand Terraform data sources with the help of an example. Matt and Bob are two colleagues working for a company called Obs based out in the US. Obs is a shipping company that does business all over the world and recently, they started using multi-cloud AWS and Azure. A heated conversation is ongoing between Bob and Matt. Bob is saying that he will be doing all the IT infrastructure deployment using Azure-provided ARM templates, while Matt is saying that he would prefer to use Terraform. Now, the problem is that Bob...