Technical Requirements
For this chapter, basic knowledge of storage and networking is required. In the Further reading section, you can find some suggestions to prepare yourself.
It's not necessary, but it's a good idea to have at least one VM up and running. This way, you will not only be able to create new resources in this chapter but also look at the properties of an existing VM. In this section, we will create an Ubuntu VM named ubuntu01
in the chapter4
resource group for the examples.
Set the variables for the resource group and the location:
$myRG = "chapter4" $myLocation = "westus" $myTestVM = "ubuntu01"
Create the resource group:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $myRG -Location $myLocation
Create the VM:
New-AzVm ' -ResourceGroupName $myRG ' -Name $myTestVM ' -ImageName UbuntuLTS ' -Location $myLocation ' -VirtualNetworkName...