In this chapter, you have learned about interacting with the IPFS through the HTTP API using Python. First of all, you installed IPFS software and ran the daemon. You started this by adding a file to the IPFS and studied how to get the hash of the content of the file, which is based on protobuf, multihash, and base58. Then, you saw that a big file would be divided into many chunks if added to the IPFS. You could also add a directory of files into the IPFS. Based on this ability, you could host a static website on the IPFS. Then, you learned about publishing IPFS files in the IPNS on which you could have dynamic content. After this, you learned about the MFS, where you could copy a large file from the IPFS without incurring any significant costs in your local storage.
In the next chapter, you will combine the IPFS and smart contracts to build a decentralized application...