Rendering Objects Using Blend Modes
If you are reading this chapter, congratulations! You have made it through all the features of Procreate, tinkered with them by yourself, and hopefully, you’re now getting the hang of it. There is a lot to this app that makes it a versatile and useful tool. In this final chapter, we will get hands-on practice and make a finished artwork using this knowledge.
If you remember Chapter 7, Organizing Your Layers, it introduced the concept of blend modes. Blend modes can add extra personality to your layers and make them useful for a variety of artistic effects. In this chapter, we are going to look at how to use common blend modes to render an object from scratch. For this tutorial, let’s use this cute little alarm clock:
Figure 16.1: A reference photograph of an alarm clock
This clock is perfect for demonstration purposes since it sports different kinds of materials to render. The final goal is a stylized study...