Time for action – drawing a heartbeat
We will extend our component now and implement its main functionality–drawing a heartbeat-like diagram.
Add the following property declarations to canvas
property int lineWidth: 2 property var points: [] property real arg: -Math.PI
Below, add a declaration for a timer that will drive the whole component:
Timer { interval: 10 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { arg += Math.PI/180 while(arg >= Math.PI) arg -= 2*Math.PI } }
Then, define the handler for when the value of arg
is modified:
onArgChanged: { points.push(func(arg)) points = points.slice(-canvas.width) canvas.requestPaint() }
Then, implement func
function func(argument) { var a=(2*Math.PI/10); var b=4*Math.PI/5 return Math.sin(20*argument) * ( Math.exp(-Math.pow(argument/a, 2)) + Math.exp(-Math.pow((argument-b)/a,2)) + Math.exp(-Math.pow((argument+b)/a,2)) ) }
Finally, modify
onPaint: { var ctx = canvas.getContext("...