Utilizing variables
Up to this point we have considered the basic use of channel variables. FreeSWITCH has more advanced ways of using variables, including global variables. Let's round out our understanding of variables by looking at some of these.
Testing variables with regular expressions
We have already discussed the purpose and basic use of the condition XML tag. Now we will discuss the different elements you can actually test to help make decisions about call handling.
FreeSWITCH offers three general categories of variables that you can test – caller profile fields, channel variables, and global variables. In addition, you can utilize macros and API functions and utilize their output in your conditions as well. We will review each of these in detail.
Caller profile fields
Caller profile fields are variables that are retrieved when a caller is authenticated. The variables are set within the directory and can include things like the caller's area code, codec preferences, and so on. You can...