Setting up Ext Direct
This is the last in the long list of preparations. Most Sencha Ext JS applications communicate with a server and acquire data and transmit a message. In that case, it is very simple and easy to communicate with the Ext.Ajax
However, let's use Ext Direct this time. Ext Direct performs by wrapping Ajax communications, polling, and performing a Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
RPC is the main feature of Ext Direct. However, I will not discuss it in detail here because of lack of space. If you wish to know the specifics, please visit the Sencha homepage at
Ext Direct simplifies the communication with the server. As a result, JavaScript code decreases. Also, in addition to the reading and burden on browsers being reduced, communication is optimized automatically by a combined request function.
When we simultaneously perform Ajax communication with an initial value via Ext Direct in an interval of 10 milliseconds, we can combine...