Compatibility Checker feature
If you share spreadsheets with others, both inside and outside of your organization, there's a decent chance that the recipient is using an older version of Excel, meaning Excel 2016 or earlier. Microsoft 365 brings us a steady stream of new functionality, such as the dynamic array functions that I discuss in Chapter 10, Lookup and Dynamic Array Functions, and the somewhat new LET function as well as the newer LAMBDA function that I discuss in Chapter 11, Names, LET, and LAMBDA. It’s invigorating to have new tools to bring to bear in Excel, until the user you shared a workbook with asks “Why am I seeing #NAME? everywhere in this workbook?”. It's hard to keep tabs on what new functionality works where. For instance, you can use LET but not LAMBDA in Excel 2021. You can't use either in Excel 2019 and earlier. I regret to inform any Excel for macOS users that the Compatibility Checker is not available to you, but it is...