Let’s look at the components of this architecture in greater detail.
Source data
Clickstream data can be collected using multiple software development kits (SDKs). These are typically JavaScript scripts that are embedded in the web pages that transmit click data to an API.
IoT data can be collected using a network of sensors connected to a gateway. The gateway can call an API in the analytical system (IoT Hub) to push the data.
Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs is a data streaming service that can scale to millions of messages per second. It is the preferred event ingestion service in Azure. It provides message/events queues to ingest and temporarily store messages/events from a producer until an event consumer pulls the event off the queue for processing. It also maintains a schema registry that the producer and consumer can refer to maintain interoperability. Event Hubs can be configured and scaled in many ways. For more details on Azure Event Hubs...