Message board
The message board adds a public conversation capability to Elgg similar to Facebook's Wall. The primary interface to the message board is a widget that users can put on their profile page. The following screenshot shows what this widget looks like:

There are three links of interest on the message board widget:
The View all link leads to the message board of the widget's owner.
The reply link takes a user to the message board of the poster.
The history link is used to view posts between the poster and the user who is viewing the widget.
The distinction between these links can be confusing to first-time users, and it usually requires some experience to understand them.
When someone posts on a message board, a notification is sent to the message board's owner. The notification includes a link to the poster's message board page. It is usually best to post a reply on the other person's message board so that they get a notification.
The full message board page is shown in the following...