What is 11ty?
11ty is an SSG developed by Zach Leatherman in 2017 with a strong sense of inspiration from Jekyll but built in the then-flourishing JavaScript ecosystem. If you know a little Node.js or JavaScript, you can extend the functionality of 11ty. If you don’t have a strong JavaScript background but can run a few commands in the command line, you can use 11ty.
11ty has a few strong philosophies:
- Static-first – While there are new features in 11ty that allow it to run at request time, as well as pre-generate HTML, the strongest use of 11ty will be to create a static site first, and then extend into the server rendering only when necessary.
- Flexible – 11ty doesn’t prescribe one way to create sites. In fact, one of the strongest benefits of 11ty over other SSGs is that it comes bundled with over 10 templating engines that can be used separately or together.
- Frontend agnostic – 11ty doesn’t force you into a single frontend...