Technical requirements
The hardware components that will be needed to develop the temperature-logging system are as follows:
- 1 solderless breadboard.
- 1 Blue Pill STM32 microcontroller board.
- 1 ST-Link/V2 electronic interface needed for uploading the compiled code to the Blue Pill board. Bear in mind that the ST-Link/V2 requires 4 female to female jumper wires.
- 1 DS18B20 temperature sensor module.
- 1 ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.
- 1 FTDI adapter board.
- 1 LED.
- 1 220 ohm resistor.
- 7 male to male jumper wires.
- 5 female to female jumper wires.
- A 5 V power source.
As usual, these components are very common, and there will be no problems in obtaining them. On the software side, you will require the Arduino IDE and the GitHub repository for this chapter:
The Code in Action video for this chapter can be found here: