Services Expanse
SASE shows promise of persistence in the market as terminology technology practitioners will potentially use for secure communications in the same way that “Wi-Fi” has persisted with IEEE 802.11. Neither term was a technical contribution to a standard but was once coined as a marketing term and adopted to simplify the discussion of related topics. SASE may be as generic of a term for secure communications as Internet of Things (IoT) has become for device-to-device communications.
Security Service Edge (SSE) is the latest SASE market variant. SSE is essentially SASE without SD-WAN. Many software and service providers chose to highlight what they consider the next evolutionary step, which is to remove the branch office edge device from the discussion. The primary benefit of SSE as an offer is for sellers that do not have a strong SD-WAN offer. The technical side of the same discussion is that eventually, in a cloud-only approach to IT services, user...