Formats for signal data
Several competitions on Kaggle used sound data as an addition to regular tabular features. There were three competitions organized by Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s BirdCLEF (LifeCLEF Bird Recognition Challenge) in 2021, 2022, and 2023 for predicting a bird species from samples of bird songs (see Reference 4 for an example of one of these competitions). The format used in these competitions was .ogg
. The .ogg
format is used to store audio data with less bandwidth. It is considered technically superior to the .mp3
We can read these types of file formats using the librosa
library (see Reference 5). The following code can be used to load an .ogg
file and display the sound wave:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
def display_sound_wave(sound_path=None,
Display a sound wave
sound_path: path to the sound file...