Company procedures
Would you wish to undergo a complex process to get an additional pen or pad of paper? Of course not!
Procedures and their near relatives, policies, may be a genuine pain in the you-know-what. Sometimes, they are excessively stringent and limiting, while other times they are too general and missing specifics. However, if a colleague calls in ill and you are suddenly responsible in case of an emergency, you should substitute that sick colleague just by reading and understanding a procedure. Therefore, it is helpful to have a well-written, clear protocol to follow.
Procedures may have a significant impact on an organization if executed properly. When stated clearly and correctly, they may improve the functionality of systems and individuals. If your employees know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how to avoid making mistakes, you may decrease aggravation and save a great deal of time and energy.
Procedures are the company’s workhorses. Procedures...