What this book covers
Chapter 1, Building a Counter App with History Tracking to Establish Fundamentals, is about Flutter’s core concepts. This chapter explores widgets, elements, render objects, and the rebuild system.
Chapter 2, Building a Race Standings App, is about layout and responsiveness. The project in this chapter covers internationalization, responsiveness, and layout strategies for high-quality applications.
Chapter 3, Building a Todo Application Using Inherited Widgets and Provider, is about sharing data in an application. You will learn about property forwarding and how to create inherited widgets.
Chapter 4, Building a Native Settings Application Using Material and Cupertino Widgets, is about building an application that looks native to iOS or Android. You will learn how to use Flutter’s Material and Cupertino widgets.
Chapter 5, Exploring Navigation and Routing with a Hacker News Clone, is about handling transitions between a multi-screen application. You will learn how to use Navigator, an imperative routing mechanism, and GoRouter, a declarative routing mechanism.
Chapter 6, Building a Simple Contact Application with Forms and Gestures, is about capturing user input and turning that input into application data. You will learn how to use Flutter’s Form and Gesture components.
Chapter 7, Building an Animated Excuses Application, teaches you how to build smooth animations in an application designed to give us random excuses to miss work.
Chapter 8, Build an Adaptive, Responsive Note-Taking Application with Flutter and Dart Frog, is about adapting an application to behave differently on different platforms and display information differently in different screen sizes. You will learn how to use Flutter’s adaptive and responsive APIs.
Chapter 9, Writing Tests and Setting up GitHub Actions, is about testing Flutter apps and creating a CI pipeline to run tests. You will learn how to use GitHub actions along with our Flutter project.