Let's look under the hood
Well, since we are focusing on reusing and learning CFCs, it would be great if we could move our logic from our page into the CFC. You can have a look at Chapter 2, Basic CFCs and Database Interaction, if you want to see the CFC that we were building for the product table. A constructor is used to get a CFC set up for use. Some CFCs do not require it, while others do. Obviously, this one requires a constructor as it has an attribute that is required, dsn
. We have the following:
<cfcomponent output="false" extends="_sdo"> <!--- Constructor Methods ---> <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false"> <cfargument name="dsn" required="true"> <cfargument name="id" default="0"> <cfscript> variables.field.name = "id,name,description,price"; variables.field.defaults = "0,'','',0"; variables.field.allowNull = "0,0,0,0"; variables.table = "product"; variables.pKeyField = "id"; variables...