Installing KNIME Deep Learning – Keras Integration
In this section, you will learn how to install and set up KNIME Deep Learning - Keras Integration in order to train neural networks in KNIME Analytics Platform.
KNIME Analytics Platform consists of a software core and several provided extensions and integrations. Such extensions and integrations are provided by the KNIME community and extend the original software core through a variety of data science functionalities, including advanced algorithms for AI.
The KNIME extension of interest here is called KNIME Deep Learning – Keras Integration. It offers a codeless GUI-based integration of the Keras library, while using TensorFlow as its backend. This means that a number of functions from Keras libraries have been wrapped into KNIME nodes, within KNIME's classic, easy-to-use visual dialog window. Due to this integration, you can read, write, create, train, and execute deep learning networks without writing code...