Creating an image gallery in 3D
In this recipe we will learn how we can create an image gallery in 3D. The images will be loaded from a folder selected by the user and displayed in a three-dimensional circular fashion. Using the keyboard, the user will be able to change the selected image.
Getting ready
When starting the application you will be asked to select a folder with images, so make sure you have one.
Also, in your code include the necessary files to use OpenGL drawing calls, textures, the timeline, and loading images.
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h" #include "cinder/gl/Texture.h" #include "cinder/Timeline.h" #include "cinder/ImageIo.h"
Also, add the following useful using
using namespace ci; using namespace ci::app; using namespace std;
How to do it…
We will display and animate images in 3D space. Perform the following steps to do so:
We will start by creating an
class. Add the following code snippet before the main application class:class Image{ public: Image( gl::Texture texture...