In this section, we will understand AWS VPCs. VPCs are a very common component in the security layers of the AWS environment; they are isolated parts of the cloud where users can host their services and build their infrastructures. VPCs are the first layer of security. We will try to understand VPCs in the context of Lambda functions, in the form of bullet points, given here:
- VPCs can be created and modified in the AWS's VPC service dashboard, which looks like this:
- Now, let's quickly learn how to create a VPC of our own. For that, click on Create VPC. You will see a pop-up box which asks you to enter more meta information for your new VPC:
- The Name tag box needs to have the name of the VPC. The IPv4 CIDR block is where you enter your IP range for classless inter-domain routing. Then, you can choose whether you want...