The last thing we need to cover for our Git workflow is how to deal with bugs we discover in production (on our master branch). Although our code should have already been thoroughly tested before being added to master, subtle bugs are bound to slip through, and we must fix them quickly. This is call a hotfix.
Working on a hotfix branch is very similar to working on a release branch; the only difference is that we are branching off master instead of dev. Like with release branches, we'd make the changes, test it, deploy it onto a staging environment, and perform more testing, before merging it back into master, dev, and any current release branches:
So, first we make the fix:
$ git checkout -b hotfix/user-schema-incompat master
$ touch user-schema-patch.txt # Dummy hotfix
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Patch user schema incompatibility with social login...