Chapter 15: Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Until now, you have been writing simple programs for your robot using basic instructions. What if you want to make a real robot that can perform tasks autonomously? What makes the robot take decisions and then act upon them? It is the sensors on the robot that help it through this entire process. Different types of sensors help robots during different tasks. These sensors also make them act intelligently in given situations. For example, an ultrasonic sensor, along with a camera, offers vision to a robot. A touch sensor offers touch-type sensations to a robot, and so on. In this chapter, you will learn about the function and application of a color sensor to build an obstacle avoidance robot. A sensor that helps the robot to identify colors correctly and take respective decisions is called a color sensor. Color sensors are widely used for line-following robots, color detection and sorting application-based robots in industries, self-driving cars...