Time for action — using K and Shift+K to make your trims
In addition to adjusting the ends of your strips you can use the K and Shift+K commands to shorten your film strips. The command is easy to remember, just think of the knife for cutting the strips:
Select the Cam1 video strip in Channel 2. Press Shift+D to make a copy. Move the copy to Channel 7.
In the Video Sequence Editor header, select Strip. Choose Clear Strip Offset from the pop-up menu.
Scroll the Current Frame Indicator, move it with the mouse, and watch the Video Sequence Editor - preview window. Scroll until you see the Viking ship emerge from behind the pier and the last shield is visible. You can use the Ctrl+MMB to zoom into the preview window if you can't see the shields on the Viking boat.
Press K to do a soft Trim. Select the strip to the left of the Current Frame Indicator and press X to delete it.
Move the Current Frame Indicator to frame 227.
Move the strip so that the left-hand side of the strip is at frame 227. Once...