Going further
If you’re curious about billboarding, parallax mapping, or interior mapping, and you want to learn more on these topics, here are a few interesting resources to check out or continue your journey with.
- Implementing a Billboard Shader in Unity Shadergraph, William from Noveltech (2021): https://www.noveltech.dev/unity-billboard-shader-shadergraph/
- Cg Programming/Unity/Billboards, Wikibooks (2022): https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Programming/Unity/Billboards
- Forum thread: Unity Matrix P and matrix MV equlivant (2018-present): https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-matrix-p-and-matrix-mv-equlivant.692932/
Parallax mapping
- Advanced shaders in Unity: Parallax mapping, E. Nordeus: https://www.habrador.com/tutorials/shaders/3-parallax-mapping/
- Parallax Mapping in Unity Shader Graph, AE Tuts (2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKhGqKYOmbo
Interior mapping
- Building SimCity: Art in the Service of Simulation...