Overview of the Amazon Aurora service
Amazon Aurora is a managed database service. This means that AWS offers a wrapper around a relational database that handles many of the functions normally carried out by a Database Administrator (DBA). Where Aurora differs from RDS is that Aurora always speeds up the database functionality, and it can run up to five times faster than a non-Aurora version of the same database. Aurora manages such fast speeds by using a distributed storage system to avoid bandwidth and disk-read bottlenecks. Aurora has many benefits compared to RDS:
- Faster scaling: Aurora can almost instantly add additional read replicas whereas with RDS these can take some time to provision.
- Read replicas: Aurora supports up to 15 replicas compared to five on RDS.
- High durability: Aurora stores your data in six different locations across three Availability Zones (AZs) by default, so it has very high resilience as standard.
- Rapid disaster recovery: Aurora can...