Laying out the build plan
We have done a whole bunch of things so far in this chapter to architect the Sales Fulfillment Application—use cases, system context, solution architecture diagrams, service models or service identification models, architecture and design decisions, and capabilities provided by the end application. Now we are ready to start designing and implementing the solution itself using WID, WPS, and WESB. Before we start identifying the piece meal parts that will make up the solution, let's lay out the plan for designing and implementing the solution. The following figure shows the path to design and implement the Sales Fulfillment Application. The steps, as mentioned in the figure, are very self-explanatory. We will use this as a guide as we proceed into Chapters 8, 9, and 10 and follow them diligently. As we do this in the later chapters, you will be able to understand the individual steps in detail. Later as you complete this book, we hope you can weave these steps into...