Exporting using Compressor
Compressor is a standalone application that is sold on the App Store. If you have Motion or FCP X, you should know that it opens up a ton of export options. Compressor allows you to export out several versions of your project at once while allowing you to continue working in Motion as it runs in the background.
Getting ready
Locate a Motion Project you've worked with in one of the previous exercises that's 1920 by 1080. Double-click to open it. Go through the project and make sure the play range is set to the beginning and end of your Timeline. If it's not, press Option + X to reset the play range to the length of your project.
How to do it...
From the Share menu, choose Send To Compressor.
Compressor launches. In order to send something out, you need at least one setting (which format?) and one destination (where will it go?). If you can't see the Settings and Destination tabs, navigate to Window | Settings and Window | Destinations to bring them up. The window is...