Publishing your application
There are a few steps you will likely want to undertake before publishing your application, such as including your icon and other application metadata that will be used when displaying your application on your chosen platform's application marketplace. To do this, you will need to modify the config.xml
file located within your location/of/your/angular/app/mobile-app/
folder to contain the following XML code:
<platform name="android"> <icon src="android/res/ldpi.png" density="ldpi" /> <icon src="android/res/mdpi.png" density="mdpi" /> <icon src="android/res/hdpi.png" density="hdpi" /> <icon src="android/res/xhdpi.png" density="xhdpi" /> </platform>
You will need to create these files, of course, and place them in the correct location as previously stated. Done correctly, from now on when, you run any of the $ cca *
or $ cordova *
commands, you will see the new icons on your device or emulator. Now that your application has been...