Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the best code editors/IDEs out there. It's free and it's cross-platform. The remarkable thing is that VS Code has the lightning fast performance of a code editor, think NotePad++ or Sublime Text, but the feature set and conveniences of costly IDEs, think Visual Studio or WebStorm. For JavaScript development, this speed is essential and is a tremendous quality-of-life improvement for a developer, who frequently switches back and forth between different projects. VS Code brings together an integrated terminal, easy-to-use extension system, transparent settings, excellent search and replace functionalities, and, in my opinion, the best Node.js debugger that exists.
Visual Studio Code
Installing Visual Studio Code
For Angular development, this book will be leveraging VS Code. It is highly recommended that you also use VS Code.
- Execute the installation command:
For Windows:
PS> choco install VisualStudioCode -y
For macOS:
$ brew cask install visual-studio-code
One of the best features of Visual Studio Code is that you can also launch it from the CLI. If you're in a folder that you'd like to be editing, simply execute code . or a particular file by executing code ~/.bashrc or code
- Verify install by launching Visual Studio Code
- Navigate to a folder and execute code .
- This will open up a new VS Code window with the Explorer displaying the contents of the current folder
For more information, refer to