Programming with the OpenMAX AL multimedia library in Android NDK
OpenMAX AL is an application-level multimedia library in C. Android NDK multimedia APIs are based on the OpenMAX AL 1.0.1 standard with Android-specific extensions. The API is available for Android 4.0 or higher. We should note that the API is evolving and the Android NDK team mentioned that the future version of OpenMAX AL API may require developers to change their code.
Getting ready...
Before we start coding with the OpenMAX AL library, it is important to understand some basics about the library. We will briefly describe the library in the following text.
OpenMAX AL refers to the Application Layer interface of the Open Media Acceleration (OpenMAX) library. It is a royalty-free, cross-platform, C-language application level API for developers to create multimedia applications. Its main features include media recording, media playback, media controls (for example, brightness control), and effects. Compared to OpenSL ES library...