ArcGIS for Server Manager distilled
In versions 10.1 and 10.2, ArcGIS for Server has been completely rewritten to use pure web services in order to migrate to a potential Restful Service Oriented Architecture. Functionalities that have been written in the legacy distributed component object model (DCOM) back in ArcGIS Server 9.1 have been causing limitations and security issues, not to mention delays in the 64-bit architecture. When Esri moved away from DCOM, it allowed more flexibility to almost everything in Server, including Manager. You can now call any method in Server using an API, which really gave room to developers to do more and more with Server.
Creating users and roles
One of the best ways to control the ArcGIS for Server environment is to assign different users to each task. In the following exercise, we will create two user groups: Administrators, which will get the administrator role, and Authors, which will get the publisher role. This way, you can monitor everything based...