Operators indicate the types of calculations used when evaluating components. You might be familiar with common mathematical operators such as the following:
- + (addition)
- - (subtraction)
- ÷ (division)
- × (multiplication)
- < (less than)
- > (greater than)
These operators are used for evaluating numeric values. When manipulating objects and text in a flow, simply using mathematical operators may not be sufficient. While you can use numeric expressions in some places, it's also important to understand other operators that can be used to determine whether a value meets a certain condition.
Power Automate conditions can perform the evaluation of conditions using the following operators:
- contains
- does not contain
- is equal to
- is not equal to
- is greater than
- is greater than or equal to
- is less than
- is less than or equal to
- starts with
- does not start with
- ends with
- does not end with
Some of these can function with numerals (such as is greater...