Time for action – adding the Play Again button
The very last thing we need to do is to add a button to the end of the game so that the player can play again. Let's revisit our good friend GUI from the last few chapters.
Add the
function to the HeartBounce script:function OnGUI(){ if(hasLost){ var buttonW:int = 100; // button width var buttonH:int = 50; // button height var halfScreenW:float = Screen.width/2; // half of the Screen width var halfButtonW:float = buttonW/2; // Half of the button width if(GUI.Button(Rect(halfScreenW-halfButtonW, Screen.height*.8, buttonW, buttonH), "Play Again")) { numHits = 0; hasLost = false; velocityWasStored = false; transform.position = Vector3(0.5,2,-0.05); rigidbody.velocity = Vector3(0,0,0); } } }
What just happened?
For GUI pros like us, this script is a piece of cake.
The whole function is wrapped in a "has the player lost the game?" conditional statement.
We start by storing some values...