- action items
- prioritizing / Prioritize and assign action items
- assigning / Prioritize and assign action items
- actual velocity / Team velocity chart
- Adkins, Lyssa
- URL / Recommended reading
- agenda / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- Agile
- about / Will Agile cause a ripple, or a tsunami?
- Agile, culture change
- multi-faceted approach, need for / Culture change requires a multi-faceted approach
- need for / Illustrating the need for and direction of change
- pre-agility survey / Pre-agility survey
- waste score / Waste score
- roles matrix / The Agile organization chart and roles matrix
- Agile organization chart / The Agile organization chart and roles matrix
- Agile organization, traditional roles / Traditional roles in an Agile organization
- Agile mind-set, scaling / Scaling an Agile mind-set
- Agile Acceptance / Prepare for change aches and pains
- Agile Manifesto
- about / A leaner Agile Manifesto
- Agile method
- about / A brief history
- Agile organization
- Scrum values / How does your organization measure up to the Scrum values?, What if the Scrum values score is low?
- traditional roles / Traditional roles in an Agile organization
- shaping / Chapter 9: Shaping the Agile Organization
- Agile organization chart / The Agile organization chart and roles matrix
- agreeableness, five big factors / Factor 4 – Agreeableness
- Alhazen
- URL / A brief history
- anyone task / Anyone tasks, expert tasks, and pairing
- appreciations / Choose to be happy, focus on the positive
- Atari / Complex adaptive systems
- ATDD / What blocks me from being able to do my work?
- barstool
- about / The empirical process control barstool
- big scrum
- about / When Scrum gets big—dysfunction or constraint?
- Bossy Betty / Bossy Betty
- broadcasts / Getting the message
- Brooks, Fred / Recommended reading
- Bruce M. Tharp
- URL / A corporate culture and its impact on teamwork
- Bruce Tuckmans model
- URL / Recommended reading
- calendars / It helps to see time
- capacity planning worksheet / Understanding capacity
- Carl / Clammed Up Carl
- Carolyn Snyder
- website, URL / Recommended reading
- commitment, Scrum values
- about / Scrum value #2 – Commitment
- Expert-to-Task (ETT model) / Expert-to-Task or ETT model of human resource allocation
- Team-to-Backlog (TTB model) / Team-to-Backlog or the TTB model of human team allocation
- issues / What do we do about commitment issues?
- communication
- about / Getting the message
- Face-to-face / Getting the message
- broadcasts / Getting the message
- reports / Getting the message
- conscientiousness, five big factors / Factor 2 – Conscientiousness
- continuous flow frameworks
- sprint reviews for / Sprint reviews for continuous flow frameworks
- corporate culture
- about / A corporate culture and its impact on teamwork
- team, assumptions about management / Team assumptions about management
- empowerment, fear / Fear of empowerment
- courage, Scrum values
- about / Scrum value #1 – Courage
- creative culture
- about / The creative culture
- customer collaboration
- via prioritized product backlog / Customer collaboration via prioritized product backlog
- daily scrum
- meeting / Daily scrum meeting, The misunderstood daily scrum meeting
- meeting, questions / Three questions, What did I do since yesterday's meeting?, What blocks me from being able to do my work?, Do we have to meet every day?
- meeting, permission for attending / Who's allowed to attend the daily scrum?
- done
- defining / Definition of Done, Definition of Done
- epics / Help the product owner prepare for sprint planning
- Estimatable / High-octane stories
- estimated velocity / Team velocity chart
- Evan Robinson
- URL / Understanding capacity
- everyday leadership
- about / Everyday leadership
- Expert-to-Task (ETT model) / Expert-to-Task or ETT model of human resource allocation
- expert tasks / Anyone tasks, expert tasks, and pairing
- extroversion, five big factors / Factor 3 – Extroversion, are you an innie or an outie?
- Face-to-face / Getting the message
- five big factors
- openness / Factor 1 – Openness
- conscientiousness / Factor 2 – Conscientiousness
- extroversion / Factor 3 – Extroversion, are you an innie or an outie?
- agreeableness / Factor 4 – Agreeableness
- neuroticism / Factor 5 – Neuroticism
- Five Factor Model (FFM) / Individual influences to the work of the sprint
- five personality test
- URL / Factor 5 – Neuroticism
- focus, Scrum values
- about / Scrum value #4 – Focus, Lack of focus and personal control = missed commitments
- foie gras / Challenge 1: Fearful ScrumMasters
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) / Dysfunctions or true constraints?
- Gantt chart
- in agile project / A Gantt chart in an Agile project
- Gut method / Agenda
- Henrik Kniberg
- URL / Challenge 2: Late integration
- IKIWISI (I know it when I see it) / Possible outcomes of a sprint review
- impediments backlog (IBL) / Chapter 4: Sprint! Valuable, Collaborative, and Meaningful Work
- Independent / High-octane stories
- INTJ / First, what kind of personality do you have?
- Intrapreneur's Ten Commandments
- about / The CEO of Me
- intrapreneurs / Redefining the role of the organization
- about / Agenda, High-octane stories
- Jeff Anderson's post
- URL / Waste score
- Jeff Sutherland
- blog, URL / Frequent, multi-perspective feedback
- Jeff Sutherland's Scrum Handbook
- URL / Recommended reading
- Kanban
- URL / Recommended reading
- Kanban board
- about / Estimating work
- KSSSHK (Ken Schwaber Scrum School of Hard Knocks) / Challenge 1: Fearful ScrumMasters
- Ladas, Corey
- URL / Recommended reading
- large Scrum
- about / More tips for large Scrums
- leader
- portrait / Portrait of a leader
- features / Selfless, confident, and accountable
- feedback, receiving / Open to feedback
- trust, building / Builds trust
- Theory X / Leads with Theory Y
- Theory Y / Leads with Theory Y
- honesty, with team / Honest
- leadership frameworks
- URL / Recommended reading
- LEAN meeting / Prior to the sprint review
- Legacy Scrum
- about / Sprint planning basics
- lines of code (LOC) / Challenge 4: Big picture metrics
- Martin Fowler
- URL / Challenge 9: Distributed teams
- Myers-Briggs
- URL / Recommended reading
- Negotiable / High-octane stories
- neuroticism, five big factors / Factor 5 – Neuroticism
- New Product Blog item / Prioritization can be useful for other things
- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / Complex adaptive systems
- norming phase / What's 'Norm'al for one team is not for another
- Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Person has a say in it
- obstacle
- removal / Waste and obstacle removal
- Officer Sophie / Officer Sophie
- openness, five big factors / Factor 1 – Openness
- openness, Scrum values
- about / Scrum value #3 – Openness, Secrecy and what to do about it, Openness exposes truth about capacity and demand, Openness exposes a need for slowing down in order to eventually speed up
- organization
- role, defining / Redefining the role of the organization
- teams, self managing / Self-managing teams – the inmates run the asylum!
- career paths / Career paths
- true visibility / True visibility
- capacity / Capacity, not projects
- innovations, space for / How modern organizations make space for innovation
- personality
- traits / First, what kind of personality do you have?
- self-awareness / Learn to look into your reflection
- physical
- taskboards / When physical taskboards and conversations aren't enough
- physical space / Physical space
- Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) / A brief history
- planned velocity / Team velocity chart
- Prezi
- URL / Give a visual
- product
- inspecting / Sprint review – inspecting and adapting the product
- adapting / Sprint review – inspecting and adapting the product
- reviews / Regular product reviews or demos
- demos / Regular product reviews or demos
- product backlog / The product backlog
- about / Start at the beginning – product backlog
- on user / Focus product backlogs on users and values
- on value / Focus product backlogs on users and values
- team, early engagement / Engage the team early
- project portfolio backlog, example / Prioritization can be useful for other things
- product backlog items (PBIs) / Focus product backlogs on users and values
- product owner
- about / Scrum roles, Product owner
- contacting to / Help the product owner prepare for sprint planning
- acceptance / Product owner acceptance
- need for / Product owner acceptance
- project Grand Poobah
- about / A real need for a project Grand Poobah
- project management office (PMO) / The Agile organization chart and roles matrix
- Real-Time Information / Chapter 6: The Criticality of Real-time Information
- REAL action items / Make REAL action items
- release planning / Release planning (optional)
- about / Release planning – when will you set your features free?, Chapter 2: Release Planning – Tuning Product Development
- and releases timing / Timing of releases and release planning
- buffers, making visible / Make buffers visible
- event, conducting / How to conduct a release planning event?, Do your homework!
- meeting, facilitating / Facilitating the release planning meeting
- participants / Participants
- agenda / Agenda
- Gut method / Agenda
- Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimatable, Small, and Testable (INVEST) / Agenda
- physical space / The physical space
- output / Release planning output
- summary / Release planning summary
- reports / Getting the message
- creating / Create and distribute reports
- distributing / Create and distribute reports
- research and development
- about / The creative culture
- respect, Scrum values
- about / Scrum value #5 – Respect, Power, position, and control and what to do about it
- retrospective
- techniques / Some different retrospective techniques
- future, visualizing / Visualize the future
- team cave art / Team cave art
- yoga/meditation / Retrospective yoga/meditation
- and review / Why should we care about reviews and retrospectives?
- Rework Bin / Challenge 2: Late integration
- roles matrix / The Agile organization chart and roles matrix
- scenery
- changing / Change the scenery
- scratchpad / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- script / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- Scrum
- about / The underlying concepts of Scrum, Sprint planning basics, Chapter 1: Scrum – A Brief Review of the Basics (and a Few Interesting Tidbits)
- core values / Scrum core values
- roles / Scrum roles
- team / Scrum team, Small Scrum, Big programs, small Scrum
- product owner / Product owner
- artifacts / Scrum artifacts
- elements, checklist / Is your team ready for Scrum?
- team, working / How the Scrum team should work
- microscope / Through the Scrum microscope
- values / The five core values of Scrum, Chapter 7: Scrum Values Expose Fear, Dysfunction, and Waste
- values, of organization / How does your organization measure up to the Scrum values?
- values, low scoring / What if the Scrum values score is low?
- avoiding / Avoiding Scrum as a panacea
- challenges / When Scrum gets big—dysfunction or constraint?, Challenge 2: Late integration, Challenge 3: Communication across multiple teams, Challenge 4: Big picture metrics, Employee morale, Challenge 5: Not done – the root of all evil, Challenge 6: Too few product owners, Challenge 7: Scaling too much, too fast, Challenge 8: Wrong team structure, Challenge 9: Distributed teams
- small / Chapter 10: Scrum – Large and Small
- large / Chapter 10: Scrum – Large and Small
- about / SCRUM is not an acronym for Serious Crud Required by Upper Management
- Scrum, roles
- Scrum team / Scrum roles
- product owner / Scrum roles
- ScrumMaster / Scrum roles
- Scrum, values
- about / The five core values of Scrum
- courage / Scrum value #1 – Courage
- commitment / Scrum value #2 – Commitment
- openness / Scrum value #3 – Openness, Secrecy and what to do about it, Openness exposes truth about capacity and demand, Openness exposes a need for slowing down in order to eventually speed up
- focus / Scrum value #4 – Focus
- respect / Scrum value #5 – Respect, Power, position, and control and what to do about it
- Scrum-ban write-up
- URL / Recommended reading
- Scrum artifacts
- product backlog / The product backlog
- sprint backlog and burn down / The sprint backlog, Sprint burndown
- Scrumban system / Big programs, small Scrum
- Scrum framework
- about / Brief review of the Scrum framework
- sprint backlog / Sprint planning
- daily scrum, meeting / Daily scrum meeting
- sprint review, meeting / Sprint review meeting
- sprint, retrospective / Sprint retrospective
- release planning / Release planning (optional)
- ScrumMaster
- about / ScrumMaster, Sprint planning basics, Employees feel like headcount
- features / How to become a better ScrumMaster
- empowerment / Empower yourself and others!
- desired state, visualizing / Help others visualize the desired state
- influencing others / Influence others
- role / The ScrumMaster's role
- core knowledge / Core knowledge
- responsibilities / Responsibilities
- sprint, running / Running the sprint
- product owner, assisting / Assisting the product owner
- high-performing scrum team, creating / Creating a high-performing Scrum team
- progress visibility, creating / Making progress visible
- core values, supporting / Supporting and living the Scrum core values
- educating others / Educating others
- personal skills and characteristics, improving / Improving personal skills and characteristics
- ScrumMaster, characteristics
- about / Other ScrumMaster characteristics
- procrastinator or proactive / Procrastinator or proactive
- teacher / Teacher
- student / Student
- scrum buddy / Scrum buddy
- journal/walk up a hill / Journal/walk up a hill
- ScrumMaster, communication style
- loud or quiet / Loud or quiet?
- direct versus passive / Direct versus passive
- Switzerland or Supreme Court judge / Switzerland or Supreme Court judge
- ScrumMaster, Persona
- Techie Taj / Techie Taj
- Bossy Betty / Bossy Betty
- Carl / Clammed Up Carl
- Thundering Thea / Thundering Thea
- Officer Sophie / Officer Sophie
- ScrumMasters
- about / We are all ScrumMasters
- Scrum microscope
- about / Through the Scrum microscope
- Level 1x magnification / 1x magnification – product vision/initiatives
- Level 2x magnification / 2x magnification – the product roadmap
- Level 4x magnification / 4x magnification – the release plan
- Level 8x magnification / 8x magnification – the product backlog
- Level 16x magnification / 16x magnification – the sprint
- Level 32x magnification / 32x magnification – tasks, daily scrums, and other information
- Level 64x magnification / 64x magnification – read all about it, in the team room!
- summary / Scrum microscope summary
- Scrum team / Scrum roles
- Scrum village / It takes a village – communicating during the sprint
- Scrum website
- URL / Complex adaptive systems
- self-actualizing
- about / Self-actualizing individuals create an Agile organization
- common traits, by Maslow / Self-actualizing individuals create an Agile organization
- motivating / Goals and metrics that motivate self-actualizing
- motivating, reasons finding / Understanding what demotivates
- measurements, standardizing / Standardizing measurements
- multi-perspective feedback / Frequent, multi-perspective feedback
- CEO scorecard / CEO scorecard
- Small / High-octane stories
- small scrum
- about / Small Scrum, Big programs, small Scrum
- sprint
- retrospective / Sprint retrospective, Sprint retrospective – inspecting and adapting processes and teamwork
- definiton of done / Part I – the What and the Why
- working in / Working in a sprint
- about / Beware of the old mind-set creeping into the new paradigm
- product backlog item / Look ahead at the next sprint's product backlog items
- goals / Sprint goals
- reviews / Sprint reviews
- backlogs / Sprint backlogs
- burndown chart / Sprint burndown chart
- sprint backlog / Sprint planning
- sprint buffering / Sprint buffering
- sprint events / Recall sprint events
- sprint planning
- about / Sprint planning basics, Chapter 3: Sprint Planning – Fine-tune the Sprint Commitment
- meetings / Sprint planning basics
- preparing for / Preparing for sprint planning
- sample checklist / Sample sprint planning checklist
- improving / Improving sprint planning
- sprint planning meeting
- High-octane stories / High-octane stories
- product owner, preparing for / Help the product owner prepare for sprint planning
- physical space / Physical space
- visualizing / Visualize the meeting
- scratchpad / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- script / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- agenda / Scratchpad, script, and agenda
- sprint planning meeting, running
- about / Running the sprint planning meeting
- What and Why / Part I – the What and the Why
- stories, types / Different types of stories
- How / Part II – the How
- capacity planning worksheet / Understanding capacity
- sprint tasks, identifying / Talk first, then identify sprint tasks
- expert tasks / Anyone tasks, expert tasks, and pairing
- anyone task / Anyone tasks, expert tasks, and pairing
- sprint buffering / Sprint buffering
- calendars / It helps to see time
- team members interaction / Team members should talk with each other
- committing / Commit!
- sprint retrospective / Sprint retrospective
- sprint review
- meeting / Sprint review meeting
- prior to / Prior to the sprint review
- about / During the sprint review
- context, setting / Set the context
- visual, giving / Give a visual
- stories, keeping straight / Keep your stories straight
- outcomes / Possible outcomes of a sprint review
- for continuous flow frameworks / Sprint reviews for continuous flow frameworks
- time for collaboration and trust / Sprint review – a time for collaboration and trust
- Stacey Matrix / Complex adaptive systems
- Stacia Viscardi's Scrum website
- URL / Recommended reading
- stakeholders
- about / Invite stakeholders to sprint reviews
- state of evolution / Prepare for change aches and pains
- Team-to-Backlog (TTB model) / Team-to-Backlog or the TTB model of human team allocation
- Techie Taj / Techie Taj
- Testable / High-octane stories
- Theory X / Leads with Theory Y
- Theory Y / Leads with Theory Y
- thimblerig
- about / Scrum stops the resource shell game
- Thundering Thea / Thundering Thea
- Time to Market (TTM) / Challenge 4: Big picture metrics
- Toyota Production System (TPS)
- about / Agile DNA
- user stories / Help the product owner prepare for sprint planning
- UXPins
- URL / Engage the team early
- Valuable / High-octane stories
- vanity and ego
- differences, URL / Recommended reading
- VARK / The misunderstood daily scrum meeting
- velocity / Team velocity chart
- VPN / What blocks me from being able to do my work?
- waste
- removal / Waste and obstacle removal
- waterfall model
- about / Beware of the old mind-set creeping into the new paradigm
- Weight Watchers
- about / Sprint planning basics
- work
- estimating / Estimating work
- work breakdown structures (WBS) / Bossy Betty
- 1x magnification
- about / 1x magnification – product vision/initiatives
- 2x magnification
- about / 2x magnification – the product roadmap
- 4x magnification
- about / 4x magnification – the release plan
- burndown baseline / Release the burndown baseline
- baseline, with updates / Baseline with updates
- team velocity chart / Team velocity chart
- Gantt chart, in agile project / A Gantt chart in an Agile project
- 8x magnification
- about / 8x magnification – the product backlog
- user, requisites / What does your user want?
- 16x magnification
- about / 16x magnification – the sprint
- user stories, in sprint planning / User stories in sprint planning
- acceptance criteria / Acceptance criteria
- 32x magnification
- about / 32x magnification – tasks, daily scrums, and other information
- daily broadcasts / Daily broadcasts
- daily scrums / Daily scrums
- sprint backlogs / Sprint backlogs
- sprint burndown chart / Sprint burndown chart
- burns / What burns down can also burn up
- 64x magnification
- about / 64x magnification – read all about it, in the team room!
- Xavier Quesada Allue's Visual Management Blog
- URL / Recommended reading