Styling and Theming
This is the last section in this chapter, but it's not the least important. In this section, we will focus on the user journey diagram-specific theme variables that can be overridden to give a different look to your overall diagram.
In this section, we will continue from where Chapter 5, Changing Themes and Making Mermaid Look Good, left off and go into detail about the theming variables specific to user journey diagrams. Remember that you can select a theme for your diagram from a set of pre-built theme options such as default
, base
, forest
, neutral
, and dark
In this chapter, we are choosing the neutral
theme since it is more suitable for printing. For the examples in this chapter, we have used a customized version of the neutral
theme by overriding some of its theme variables, which will be shown in the code snippets. Also, for some of the examples, we have used a darker background to better reflect the changes. You can get the complete source code...