Testing stored procedures
When talking to developers, many fear and loath the database-stored procedure because they have been told to do so. If you weren't a developer 10 years ago, you won't know where the pain came from. It's not because of the Transact SQL (T-SQL) language, which many think is the reason. It's not because of badly written stored procedures because anyone can write bad code in any language. It has to do with DBAs.
The database administrator is the person assigned to be responsible for the database. With this responsibility comes the operational tasks of setting up new databases and validating backups and monitoring them.
A DBA is the owner of the database domain, and as such, he or she wouldn't want developers creating tables, indexes, and such. Instead, the DBA will provide the tables necessary for the developer to store their data. The problem here is that application development and data persistence go hand in hand and need to be done in the...